Racsim is still alive
Can you believe that certain companies discriminate over the phone? Companies discriminate due to the sound of your voice. If you sound African-American or Mexican-American some housing agencies and job employers won’t call you back or tell you that the house or job isn't open any more.
That's ridiculous that we as Americans still battle racism. Last week the MLB honored a great player in Jackie Robinson. Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier for Major League Baseball. He was honored by over 200 players from the league wearing his number. That shows us that we are getting better but there is still racism out there. Like the telephone incidents that Rice describes in her article. The tests that Baugh runs show that racism is out there. I amazes me to know that Baugh being a doctor in education and has a lot more credentials cant get a house just because his English is a little different.
Baugh said he cant speak in different types of english he can speak standard english which is just like white people. When he called them and talked in his standard english they called back and when he talked in his regular voice they didnt. Baugh also states that it was comical to see the housing agents when they finally saw him after they thought he was white.
Todays society needs to learn how to treat everyone with the same amount of respect. The world will be a happier place if everyone would get along. If everyone would just love everyone would we go to war, would people get mugged and would people get murdered just for a couple of dollars. If the world would learn to love each other no one would ever be in pain.
I agree with you. There is too much discrimnation in the world today. People are too quick to judge other people on appearances. I don't think we will ever have the perfect world that will "treat everyone with the same amount of respect", people are becoming too selfish and are losing compassion.
I completely agree with you. I think it is absolutely ridiculous that people discriminate on the basis of color. I feel that God all made us unique and different for a reason. If we were all alike, what would be our purpose here?
I agree to a certain extent. I do agree that society needs to learn how to treat everyone equally, but you in reality, you know that will never happen. Let's face it: everyone in the world is not going to like you. If they did, this would have been a perfect world, and its far from being perfect.
You stated that "If the world would learn to love each other no one would ever be in pain". Sometimes in life, you have to go through pains and tribulations in order to become better people. If I didn't go through all the painful things I had to endure, I wouldn't be who I am today.
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