Tuesday, April 24, 2007

We Should Be Thankful

In Nancy Mairs essay "On Being a Cripple" she describes her life after being diagnosis with multiple sclerosis. For those who do not know "multiple sclerosis is a chronic degenerative disease of the central nervous system, in which the myelin that sheathes the nerves is somehow eaten away and scar tissue forms in its place, interrupting the nerves' signals" (par. 7). Even though Mairs is not able to do some of the things she once loved she still describe everyday as "a kind of gift" (par. 6).

After reading this essay I realized how we as Americans sometimes complain too much. We are sitting around complaining about little things and there is people like Mairs whose left leg is so weak that she has to walk with a brace and cane. "[She] no longer have much use of [her] left-hand" and her right side is starting to get weak, but she does not go around complaining all the time. She goes with her life raising two adolescences and taking care of her husband.

People waste time complaining and taking things for granted instead of being thankful of what they have and are able to do. I think that Mairs is a remarkable woman for not letting her disease get the best of her. After reading this essay I realized just how blind we are to what the future holds for us. Mairs was not always "crippled," but an unexpected illness turned her to be. I feel that we should be thankful for what we have and are able to do and need to stop complaining about every little thing that goes wrong in our life.

After reading about the things that Nancy Mairs go through with her illness and how she copes with it, how do you feel when people complain about little things?


Anonymous said...

I agree with you Kasheia because when I see people who can walk around and live their life just as well as can be.I began to get mad when people take life forgranted. I began to get mad because people don't understand how blessed they really are. there are people that are cripple but I am not.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Kasheia. I think many people complain too much about little insignificant things instead of trying to make things right. I know that when i start complaining about something stupid I immediately start to think to myself.."why are you complaining...there are many other people that wish they had or where able to do what you are doing now with your life". I think that everyone should think about things like this when they begin to comaplain about little things in life.

Anonymous said...

Kasheia, I totally, 100 percent agree with what you said. I said many of the same things you said in your blog that I said in mine. So many people are ungrateful for the things that thet get, and complain about the things that don't even matter. Why don't they just think about what life could be like living with multiple sclerosis. I think then their ungratefulness would make a 180 degree turn.