Hard time understanding reading? Pace Yourself.
Is there really a good pace for reading? According to Lindsay Waters if there is no good pace for reading then, there should be. Believing that Waters examined how good it is to be able to read she also believes in having that knowledge of reading. However, if you are not able to slow down what you are reading, how is there a way for you to get a clear comprehension of what is being read? Paying close attention to Waters’ example of radiologists and how important it is for them to slow their reading down, I tried to put myself in the place of one of those women. I know that I would not want to get misguiding results due to my doctor not slowing down and reading exactly what was on the scans.
Not only with the radiologists’ situation, I agree with Waters, when she states by slowing down your reading you have the chance to “expand the experience” of what is in the reading (par 25). When able to use experiences within a reading, it becomes more likely to get more involved with the reading itself. Giving you a chance to leave your surroundings and let your imagination take control.
Slowing down your reading and giving yourself time to get involved with what you are reading makes it easier to get an clearer understanding of what you have read. Believing that the main purpose for reading is to get a good understanding and I believe pacing yourself is the way to do it.
Do you think that slowing down your reading can help your comprehension overall when it comes down to readings?
I do believe that slowing down your reading helps you understand the readings better. At least in my case it does work. I also believe that re-reading things helps you understand readings as well. When I read something I usually read it once first and in a fast or moderate pace. Then I go through the reading again but this time read it in a slower pace to understand the reading better.
Well personally when I read, I read it fast once, and I don't get perfect understanding so I read that paragraph or that passage over again. So I have to agree that when you slow your reading down, you get a better understanding...regardless of what you read.
I believe slowing down when I am reading is the best way of reading. When I slow down on my reading I understand better and clearer. Some reasons why a person has to reread is because they didn't catch the main part of the story being that you are reading to fast. It's better to slow things down just a little.
I agree with you Simone, if people slow down when they read, they will gain a better understanding and may even enjoy the readings. I sometimes find myself reading fast over some things, sometimes I go back and reread slower and I notice things in the reading I did not the first time.
It is very important for people to take thier time when reading, it may be something they need to learn, or they may just find it entertaining.
I definitely agree that reading essay's slow gives you the chance to expand your experience. Personally, I always have to read slow if I want to understand what I am reading. Reading fast only gives me an idea of what I am reading.
I agree with everyone slow reading is the best but sometimes people want to read fast just to get done with the peice they are reading. Slowing down your reading I think helps you take more mental notes and have a better understanding of the material.
Normally, I read fast but always forget what I read a few hours later but, when I go back over it slowly I retain more of the information I need to know. I agree that slow reading will help a person in gaining the overall jest of the paper but I also think that repetitive reading of a paper will also help.
Why slow down? If you can read the material fast than why would want to slow if you are understanding it. Maybe it has to do with how fast or slow i read but some essays and books that I read are just boring to me and I don't understand them. I feel like to understand a piece you need to be interested in it.
I do think you should slow your reading down so you can actually take in and understand what you are reading. I read slow some time but when I am in a hurry because I have more work to do or other things to do, I do read fast but after I finish all the things I do I reread the assignment to get a better understanding.
I agree with Waters. There should be a pace while reading. If you read too fast or read too slow, what are you really comprehending? When we read to fast, we miss the point. We are just reading to get finished. We are reading fast just to say we've read it, but we haven't learned anything. Reading to slow causes you to miss the point, and it causes you to get bored very quickly. If a normal pace is set, a lot more knowledge will come your way.
I think the pace that a person reads at is completely determined by how quickly that person is able to comprehend what is read. Personally, I read faster than others because I like reading and I write stuff in my free time. I use language as a past time, so of course I'm more likely to understand it quickly than someone who doesn't necessarily do this. (That's not meant to be taken as a cocky brag.) Definitely, some need to read more slowly to comprehend the full meaning of what's being said; it all depends on a certain amount of natural ability and how someone was taught to read.
I like the example used about the radiologist. It is a good way to show that it is important to read slowly other wise something very important and vital may be overlooked. When one reads more slowly they have a chance to understand and grasp what is in the story instead of just blowing over it and not caring to go back and understand it.
I think that you should read the story or essay once at the normal speed you read, then reread the story once again at a slower pace. During the second reading you can focus more on the passages that you did not understand the first time you read. So i think that slowing down your reading speed does help comprhend the reading.
To tell you the truth i dont think there is any particular way to read. Everyone has there own pace. If you can just read it one time fast and understand it, then thats the way for you. If you have to read it a bunch of times slow, then thats the way. Its all a thing of how good you can understand what you are reading.
I agree that reading slower helps readers comprehend the information better. Furthermore, I believe that school systems should stop timed readings and promoting speed reading because it does more harm that it does good.
I agree with you, and i also believe that pacing yourself while reading is a good way to understand what you are reading. It allows you to get a glimpse of what you are reading and like you said, "let the imagination take control".
I know i wouldn't want a doctor examining me in a hurry and not getting my correct results. If you slow down with reading, you won't get those correct results either, that being the comprehension of what you read.
Overall, I think that re-reading the material at least twice because will help you get a better understanding. The first time we read things we tend to speed so we can finish. However, we miss the most important part when we do that. Waters' essay disscussed that and I agree with him.
Reading is a very good habit. Personally I don’t read a lot, but when I’m in the mood I enjoy reading. Sometimes I read an essay that is set and by the time I finish I have already forgotten what I have read. I agree with waters. Slow reading is the way forward if you truly want to understand what is going on in the text.
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