Baby Born Talking
In Steven Pinker's essay, he talks about how he read about a baby who spoke of heaven. After hearing this Pinker wonders how babies originally learn to speak a certain language and progress on the language as the baby gets older. He also talks about the different ages in a child's life they are able to learn different languages.
Pinker explains in his essay how babies get their basis of learning their language from certain moments that their parents may have. Some parents may use one on one contacts with a baby to help them develop their language or a baby can learn from certain situation that may occur around the child. As this time a child will only pick up a few little words but that helps with the building of their language.
Some people say that learning a language at a younger stage in life is alot easier than learning a language at 14 and older. I agree with that because the younger you are while learning a language the more you consume without realizing you are learning it. That is why I think starting in kindergarten and elementary school, it should be a requirement for kids to learn another language.
I disagree with student should have a different language at such a young age. Students may learn easier at a younger age but it may not be something enjoyable. I believe it is could that students get to wait til they have a choice.
I would have to agree with Jordan. I would have loved to be able to speak another language along with English. I am trying to learn Spanish but it isn't easy. Not only would you have another language to speak but if you didn't want to speak it you could just not use it. So you still have a choice.
I agree wiht Jordan in the fact that I think the elementary school system should require that students learn a secondary language. This would help the American system out in the long run because it would allow for our students to be better trained and compete with other professionals in other nations.
I don't think that we should not base our opinion on how enjoyable learning a seconda language is because if we used that as a basisfor language we would have to apply to other subject areas as well.
I disagree with Will. Jordan is right; children should learn a foreign language in elementary school. Of course it won't be enjoyable, but it isn't going to be a blast of entertainment no matter how old one is.
Furthermore, a secondary language is very useful in the modern work-force. Afterall, this is why colleges and universities require foreign language courses.
Students should be taught a second language as soon as is the easiest way.
I agree with Jordan. Speaking a different language, especially at a young age could really help a child. Although i dont know many young students who would want to take a class or even pay enough attention to want to learn. I believe we should have a choice if we want to learn another language or not.
I agree with Jordan because i wish that when i was that young that it would have to had been mandatory for us to learn a second language. For one i would be bilingual which would help open doors for jobs and i'm almost positive that i wouldn't struggle trying to pass foreign language classes.
I agree with the statement that it is easier to learn a language when an individual is younger.
I am taking Spanish 102 now, and it is very hard, to me. I wish I would have learned it when I was younger, or at least, had some exposure to it. It should be a requirement for kids to learn another language, they may not want to at the time, but they will appericate it later.
I agree with Jordan that it is a lot easier to learn a different language when someone is young. Children in elementary school may not appreciate learning a different language as someone older but it will be good for them. If children are exposed to another language when they are young then they would have an easier time studying that language when they get older.
I agree to learning a language at a younger age.
The reason I agree comes from my own personal experience. In the sixth grade I started spanish now, I had absolutely no desire to learn it and neither did the rest of my classmates so I really didn't think I retained anything after the exam...I was wrong.When I was in high school, I took three years of Spanish it was then that I realized how much the class had helped me remember some tricks and words.
Now that I am in college and have to take two more years, I find it easy whereas some of my peers who have never taken Spanish before are struggling.
Whats even more interesting is that the school I went to for first- eighth grade has decided that next year they will begin teaching spanish in kindergarden and on so they think teaching a language earlier than high school will help make it easier on the student later on in their school career.
I agree with Jordan. The best age to learn a language is childhood. I can say that because I am bilingual. I learned English and Spanish since I was a baby. I do remember some of the struggle but I suddenly knew two languages.
I can't explain it. I just know with my own experience that it is better to learn a different language during childhood.
I disagree with you I don't think it's a good idea to take a different language as a requirement in school because it could confused them. I think they should just wait until they either get in junior or high school until they take a different language.
I disagree with Will, when he says its more important to enjoy learning a new think rather than learning something easier. I totally agree with Jordan.
I disagree with Jordan for the same reasons Simone states. It will confuse them because at that time period they are learning the basics of their native language at this age. Like their Abc’s and numbers. It would be wrong and hard to try to get them to learn the basic of two different languages at the same time.
In today's world, it makes sense to learn as much as we can about different languages. Most international people today can speak at least 2 languages. Americans are falling behind in this respect. However, I'm not sure that we should start K5 children with another language when they haven't mastered English yet. I'm not sure when the best time to start learning another language is, but it's going to be hard to explain how to correctly form a verb in Spanish or French if the child isn't sure how to form it in English.
It’s amazing how the mind works. Maybe there is so much more to it that we have discovered. Imagine what the world would be like if we pushed our minds to its limits. Steven Pinkler has identified just one way we can excel in life. Surely there is more discover.
I agree with Jordan as well. In today's society, its almost like you have to know more than English in different careers because they are becoming more diverse. I believe that learning another language at an early age will help children in the long run.
It is true that learning a language at an early are is a lot easier. The reason for this is that the pathways that have to connect are unused and the connections can be made directly, but after 14 the information has to take alternate route to make the connections and makes it harder to learn.
I agree with you Jordan. In fifth we were introduce to different language,Itlian and French was presented to us. Through out middle school we took French or Spanish classes, and when I entered high school I took my required foreign language classes. By taking those classes at such an early age I was is easy to comprehend what my teacher in high school was teaching. So I believe in the long run you benefit from learning a different language at an early, thanks to that learning experience I don't have to take a foreign language in college.
I agree with you Jordan. In fifth we were introduce to different language,Itlian and French was presented to us. Through out middle school we took French or Spanish classes, and when I entered high school I took my required foreign language classes. By taking those classes at such an early age I was is easy to comprehend what my teacher in high school was teaching. So I believe in the long run you benefit from learning a different language at an early, thanks to that learning experience I don't have to take a foreign language in college.
I agree with the fact that students should learn a second language beginning in elementary school. That gives the students lead way. If they start early then students may be able to fluently speak it later.
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