Wednesday, April 11, 2007

America is Falling

Every four years American citizens have a decision to make about what president that will represent our country. Many Americans vote for the person that promises their desires. However, most politicians will not hold their word once their in office.

Before next year we will hear many politicians make promises about how their services can fix America. The problems that should be talked about most are America’s workforce consisting of skilled workers, high school education, higher level intelligence in mathematics and science, and healthcare. These are innovations that America started and now fall behind in. We as a nation need to consult the problem and fix it before we lose all competitiveness in the global economy.

America needs skilled workers because this gives us the competitiveness edge in the global economy. We should also welcome highly trained and skilled immigrants to the United States. These highly trained and educated people could keep us fix any kinks we have in our technology. It will only help the economy and allow America’s economy to increase. This will guarantee the most talented people will work and live in America.

Education in high school has to be reformed. America has one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the industrialized world. This hurts America competitiveness and hurts our efforts to improve technology. Without a high school education one can not get a job that will support the average lifestyle of an American. Also without and high school education people do not have the skills and intelligence to win noble piece prizes.

Increasing scores and intelligence in mathematics and science are necessary for a competitive America. Top engineers are highly skilled in mathematics and science. We need students skilled in these subjects to have scientists and doctors that find cures for diseases. This increase in intelligence will help us by developing new ways to increase people’s life expectancy. Also we need the higher level educated people because these jobs have large incomes. With these educations and incomes, it will be easier for America to become specialized in services. Also with more money in the economy will bring better opportunities for many Americans.

Healthcare in America needs to be more affordable for all people. Healthcare agencies are making millions of money off American citizens. Healthy Americans will only benefit America’s competitiveness because as long as people are working, money supply in the economy is growing. Families all around America do not have health insurance because they can not afford it. To be able to compete with the global economy we have to have healthy citizens.

These ways will only better the United States and bring us back on top in the industrialized world. In our next president election we need to be looking for the president that will better America. Not better one group of people’s lives but a nation as a whole. If we better our nation then each individual’s life will become better. There is no room for selfishness in the next election. We need to stick together and pick the right president for the United States.


Anonymous said...

There are some good points in your blog. I agree that America has talked about fixing problems and have a hard time finishing what they start. The war in Iraq is the main issue or what star did what. We also need immigrants that are skilled. They should be some type of bonders. Also another good point you made health care I have nothing to say but i completely agree. What has happen to this country, its priority’s are messed up.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Will that this country is failing with their priorities. And I agree that this country need skilled workers to better this country but I disagree when you say that we need skilled and smart immigrants to make this country better with technology. I think that immigrants help alot in this country and many times are not appreciated for their work. Maybe we do need more skilled and I think that today in society there are alot of skilled workers, this country just doesnt appreciate what they do.
I also agree with the health care issue. I think that this country's president has made lots of promises to the people and hasnt kept them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Will, about some of the promises that the President has made and is not following up on. I also agree that we need to choose a Presdient that has the best interest of the country, as a whole, at heart and not just individuals' needs.

I also beleive that a President should look at all aspects when considering making a decision, rather than just have a limited perspective.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Will. You have a lot of good points in your blog. You are also able to recognize a lot of problems. But how should America dissolve these problems?

I think that people shouldn't only rely on president and wait that he or she will do all the work. We should by ourselves stand up and come up with some solutions.

Anonymous said...

I agree and disagree with you Will. I believe we need skilled immigrants, but most immigrants only take jobs that no one in this country wants. so only bringing in skilled and smart immigrants results in a loss in the low paying employment jobs, and you can't expect smart and skilled immigrants to want those jobs that would be a cut at their intelligence.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Will not only do we need to focus on who is running this country but how they are running it. We the people need to bring these problems to the surface before the next election so the people running know that its a problem that affects everybody. If a newly elected president ensures these things and doesn't back them up we need to make it heard so that it gets done. People have to get involved and team up fix these flaws in America.

Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot of the points you made in your blog Will. We always go through these elections and listen to candidates talk about what they are going to fix and what they are going to do when they get in office. When they get in we don't witness any of the changes that they proposed. As a country we should learn to vote based on what is going to benefit everybody in the country and not focus on our individual benefits.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Will. I especially agree with you when you say that we should allow highly trained immigrants to work over here. We should because if the economy is failing because of the lack of education and workers in the USA, what are we just going to let it fall because of some of the people in America? No we should let people from any countries help us to better ours instead of running them back home.

Anonymous said...

I agree all of my classmates when I say that our country only care about is making money. Their is somthing on T.V. that wants our money or need our help.Our state needs to look into to peopl who is livin in poverty. The tax money should go better schools things that others may benifit from besides the government.

Anonymous said...

I agree all of my classmates when I say that our country only care about is making money. Their is somthing on T.V. that wants our money or need our help.Our state needs to look into to peopl who is livin in poverty. The tax money should go better schools things that others may benifit from besides the government.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes america's priorities is messed up. I president looks out for his intrist instead of looking out for the contries intrest.