Why Put Yourself at Risk For Breast Cancer?
As I read through is article the burning question comes to my mind, "Why put yourself at risk for breast cancer"? In the article Ruben Obregon confirms many myths of oral contraceptives causing breast cancer through referencing many accredited institutions who devote studies to this single problem. Obviously oral contraceptives are the problem, they contain a steroid, Synthetic Estrogen, that is believed to be responsible for causing the cancer. This puts millions of teens and adult women at risk, " in 2002 alone 1.6 million between the ages of 15 and 19 were using the contraceptives". Most teens today use contraceptives as an extra protection from becoming an early parent but why are girls as young as 15 taking these pills. This is just increasing the risk of breast cancer and making the numbers of breast cancer related to oral contraception go up. But still they are being used, maybe everyone who uses them don't have all the facts and aren't aware of the risk they are putting themselves into. Which finally brings me to my question, "Why put yourself at risk for breast cancer"? Birth control is simple to me, either abstain from having sexual relations until your married or use a condom. I know that using a condom wont prevent fertility totally but which is better you the girl increasing your risk for breast cancer by taking this pill that will supposedly keep you from becoming pregnant, which isn't the case all the times, or just practicing safe sex.
I agree with you stand on this article, but the same question comes to mind with other things. Why do people smoke when they know there is a chance of getting lung cancer? Why do people have sex period when they now there is a chance of getting pregnant. I believe that this question can be asked for many things. Personally I believe the best way to do it is not to have sex at all.
Yeah, I am not sure why people do the things that they do, but I believe that the option remains on choice and decision of importance. At this point, when you see the alternative, the best bet is always going to watch yourself. It's better to have a child that is taking birth control so that even if you aren't sure that not having sex, then at least you can be sure that they won't get pregnant.
I think that trying to tell people that they shouldn't be having sex is like telling people that they shouldn't eat greasy foods or drink soda. They are still going to do it, because the pleasure receptors in the brain have a lot more sway over your decision then what someone else tells you is right.
I agree with you Brandon. Most people when told not to do something usually go out of their to do it only because they were told not to. And I also aree with Adam and Rebekah, the best way to not get pregnant is to not have sex.
But i know several girls who are on birth control, not to keep them from getting prenant but to regulate their period. So some of the girls who are taking it, especially the 15 year olds, might not be for sexual reasons!
In Finland you can only get those pills from the doctor! I dont know how it works here, but in Finland doctors dont usually order harmful pills. In today's world almost everything causes cancer, so it's no wonder if there is a study of those pills causing cancer too. Anyway there is alot of different brands according to those pills, and I think that those pills are very safe to take. At least the chance of getting pregnant is minimal.
I know a few girls that take the pills to regulate their periods as well. But my question would be, if my assumptions are right about having to go to the doctor to get them, like vuokko, why would a doctor even prescribe these pills if the side effects include cancer? This just doesn't make any sense to me. You take away small pains to bring forth a greater pain later down the road.
It is a known fact that people are going to do things that they know are wrong, just simply because they are curious or just want to. Teenagers and young women these days not having sex before marriage is not all that likely. Posing the question, "Why do something that is harmful?" only yeilds the answer that you think it won't happen to you. I also agree with Vuokko, thoes pills are only given to you by a doctor and yeah "Why would pills that doctors prescribe to you cause you harm?"
Its my opinion that I'm going to live life without worrying about getting cancer. If i get it then it was meant to be, but everything we do seems to be able to give us cancer. If you microwave food, that can give you cancer, the sunlight can give you cancer, asbestos can give you cancer...there's always a risk, but there's a tradeoff. We need asbestos to keep us warm, so we take the risk of getting cancer. Birth control helps you from getting pregnant, but also has the risk of cancer. Lifes a game of risk. And were all playing whether we realize it or not.
I agree with Adam completly. Having sex means nothing to teenagers today in America. Very few save virginity for the one they marry. Sex is advertised too much for it to go away.
I agree with you Brandon. In today's society people are going to do whatever they feel. They know the consequences of some of the things can be bad or good. However, when engaging in sexual relations there's a possiblity for pregnacy. So females get on birth control to reduce the risk of being a mother when they could use pills.
I disagree with you, Adam. I don't think that the consumers of this pils at the time knew they increased the risk of cancer. Am sure if they knew they would have abstained from it. I mean nobody goes on a road that they know there's a pit hole.
Ruben Obregon just made it sound like these teenagers and women were aware of the controversy of these pills but still decided to take it regardless. How could a breast cancer foundation distribute a drug that increased the risk of breast cancer? It sounds unbelievable because it has a little bit of falsehood in it.
I seriously think that “The Susan G. Komen Breast Caner Foundation” would have not supported the distribution of these pills if they knew that they increased the risk for breast cancer.
A lot of girls go on birth control for medical reasons, not because they're sexually active...and they tell you the risks of taking it. People aren't going to stop taking it just because there's this study. Not everyone who takes birth control is going to get cancer.
I agree with you Adam, that if they have found out that some causes for brest cancer is linked back to birth control pills then why take them. Birth Control pills are not the solution for not getting pregnant like you said abstinence is the best solution. Unless, if you just can't resist having sex then condoms are a better alternative than birth control pills. If I was taking birth control and I found at that I could be at risk for cancer I would stop taking them in a skinny minute.
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